Check Out My Shop Of HandMade Goodness!

Hello peeps!!  Some you you may already know about my online shop, for those of you who do not,  feel free to check it out  Running a small business or any business what so ever is no walk in the park, I am learning and growing as a business owner everyday.   I recently entered a contest to win a small business grant and it would mean a lot to me if you took the time to vote for me please...  Follow this link click on VOTE and TYPE Tribal Punk Apparel and make sure it actually says voted.  Here are some of the items I currently carry ...  Thanks in advance!

 Braided Head Band
 Alexander Wang Inspired Bralette
 Leather chain Bracelet
 Hearts Beanie
 Ying Yang Tee

 Black Floral Head Band
Gun Studded Beanie
 Ying Yang Beanie
 Dollar signBeanie
 Mickey Mouse Ear Beanie
Black Fringe bralette

These are some of the items in shop right now.  Happy shopping and thanks for checking me out!

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IG - tribalpunkapparel

Thank you kindly

XO Mia
